Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Farewell to all that

Killing time before this afternoon's flight to Dallas and then on across the Pacific, so here are some more Marty pics.

I said that I hadn't covered the shopping; well two days ago we went to the huge array of factory outlets at San Marcos, up the road towards Austen. More clothes and shoe shops than you could shake a stick at, but as far as Marty was concerned the rides in the mall outside were far more satisfying.

This was the first, outside Eddie Bauer.

The horse was the second favourite.
He liked to watch his reflection in the window.

But this was the real favourite, even though the rotors didn't go round.

And Auntie Joanne hired a special car trolley!

After all that a boy needs some quiet time.
The iPad has been a godsend.

He has had more outdoor experiences, however. Hardberger Park is just up the road, with pleasant strolls through the oak woods.

Hardberger Park trail.
The park is new and very popular.

Sometimes there are squirrels in the trees.

And his US passport arrived, so to celebrate we had a flag-planting ceremony

Marty, Oliver and Jac.

And now we head for the airport. See you next time, San Antonio.


  1. Just love seeing our "little man" and of course, reading the wonderful and informative Blog. You have done a great job of taking photo's, then.... making a very interesting story. Your just the sort of Grandparents many, many children would wish to have, but your just the most inspiring, for such a "switched on" little Man. We are sure he has been here before, in another life:-) Thank you both for all the love, support and patience, you are giving so generously and making Marty's life interesting and full of fun.

  2. More smiles :-)

    Phil,Tim and Bridgie were just the same :-)

    Lovely to see... hope your journey back's gone well,I still haven't got round to writing anything about Korea - and away golfing this weekend!
