Saturday, July 18, 2009

A certain resemblance??

Just got home and Jeannie dug around in the archives to find these pics. Does anyone else notice a certain similarity here? Or do all recently squashed babies look the same?

Two days after arrival, 1977.

Within a week of arrival.
And who's the chick with all the rich dark hair?


  1. Well after looking at Marty Roo, yes there is definitely a similarity. Trust Jean to find these.

    Congrats to both of you too from the other happy grandparents.

  2. Yes... a definite likeness :-) Lovely to see it.
    Really pleased to see the new addition to your family.:-)A gorgeous little chap and hopefully the worries are over.

  3. Here is our blogspot, alas sadly out of date, but - I am about to correct that with the help of a fair technological breeze or someone under 25.
    I am about to put some baby photos on it too - it is lovely to go back a bit into our own history - do you have one of baby Jo with more of Jean visible? Love to see it!



  4. When I first saw the photos of Martyn i was immediately reminded of that top one of Jo at 2 days old. I was thinking of sending it email to remind you, but now I dont have to find it!
    Andrea was fairly similar, hair amount and colour etc.
    Love the one of Martyn (on Jac's blog) with clothes on!
    I hope he continues to make progress and has no lasting effects of the Billirubin.(?)

